Open Play for all ages
Hi Chalk Parents,
We wanted to let you know of a schedule change effective immediately!
Due to season changing our Open Play times will change for the weekend ONLY to 10:30-11:30 for all ages starting, Saturday, May 18th, 2019. For all ages.
There is some fine print and etiquette we are requesting:
10:30 - 11:30 is for all ages so siblings can join at that time
Please stay on the floor and engaged with your child if they are under 3 yrs.
Chalk strongly suggests that you monitor your child from the floor if they are under 5 yrs.
We understand this is a last minute adjustment but we are hoping this eases the number of attendees on the weekend mornings and gives everyone time to use their passes.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
See you this weekend!
Patty and Chalk Staff