In case you didn’t receive our members COVID-19 email..please read, we have made a couple additions.
Dear Chalk Members,
We understand that many are concerned about the health and safety of our athletes surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak.
The health of our Athletes, parents and staff is our top priority. With that, we wanted to reach out and let you know all of the precautions we are taking to keep our Chalk families safe. As most of you know, we pass out hand sanitizer (and amazing stamps) to all kids at end of class, you can expect this to continue. We are now asking that kids are clean upon entering the building, in clean clothes and that they clean their hands before entering the gym and again on their way out.
We ask that parents drop kids and head out until class is complete, and come back for pickup to keep crowd sizes lower.
Chalk staff has increased their cleaning and sanitizing efforts and will be constantly wiping down mats. Please allow a few extra minutes between classes to do so.
We encourage kids, parents and siblings to wash their hands before AND after class. We also ask that we move from high fives, fist bumps, elbow bumps etc to shakas and verbal encouragement and support. We will be minimizing our spotting requirements at skill based stations in classes as well and developing self spotting stations.
Please note there is hand sanitizer always available at the front desk.
We have covered the foam pit with mats that are easier to sanitize.
It breaks our hearts to have to remove kids from classes who are not well. But with the current concerns, our Coaches will remove sick kids at their discretion. So if your child is sick, please keep them home!
We have increased our a makeup schedule to accommodate missed classes for now and will try to accommodate as many as we can. Please consider working with your children on some of the drills we’ve worked with them on, from home!
As we continue forward, a couple things will happen. OPEN PLAY, KIDS’ NIGHT OUT, AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES ARE SUSPENDED. WE DO NOT HAVE A CLEAR TIMELINE ON THIS SO PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE, FACEBOOK, OR INSTAGRAM FREQUENTLY. We ask that class members sit tight with us and as things progress, trust that we will make the most responsible choices. If that means multiple makeups, we will make it happen when the dust settles. We will consider online options if the need presents. Being a small business that depends on our membership being healthy and strong, we will do our part, and we ask that you do you your part to help us stay a healthy business with healthy members.
Thank you for being a part of our community.
- Your CSOM Team